The “6-UP’s” of Your Search Strategy

Posted by on Sep 7, 2011 in Articles

As you prepare to execute your search strategy, there are a number of items to incorporate into your tasks, but among the most important are the “6 UP’s” that you need to master.

Mastering these elements in your search strategy will certainly prove beneficial in being effective, memorable and focused which will leave a lasting impression on everyone that you meet or talk with.

As you review this list, take a moment to review each point more than once, and identify a way that you can immediately put this into action.

1. Wake Up

Wake up with goals and objectives of your own that you will use as a measurable outline for your day.  Remind yourself that you have a skill and talent that companies need, and whatever your role is, tell yourself that nobody can do it better than you can.

Think about the traits that you possess and have used in previous roles to be successful, and sketch an image of your goals for the day.  Hold yourself accountable to your tasks and reward yourself for the accomplishments.

Attack the day with joy and purpose.  Be intentional about your tasks and ask yourself, “Is this going to be a great day, or do I have other plans?”  Other plans are not an option.  Just because you may be unemployed, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have work to do – Wake up and go to work!

2. Freshen Up

The office space that you have defined in your home is to be considered a formal workplace for you as you manage your search strategy.  Don’t drag yourself down the hall to your home office first thing in the morning, while you are still rubbing the sleep from your eyes.  Freshen up and get dressed as you would if you were going to a real professional office for the day.

Your attire will reflect your demeanor.  Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.  You never know when you will have a last minute opportunity to meet someone for coffee, or be called for an interview.  Your personal presentation, which includes your appearance and your wardrobe must be at it’s absolute best, all the time.

Freshen up and be prepared – Lack of preparation reflects your lack of interest.

3. Head Up

As you manage your search strategy, you must be able to keep your head up, and not let rejection hold you hostage to your success.  Unfortunately, the company that you were with made decisions that impacted you, and you could not control the outcome.  It was nothing personal.  It was not your fault.  It was strictly a business decision.  You cannot change the outcome, so you need to embrace it and move forward.

For many, our careers become too much of our identity, and being impacted with a job loss can be devastating, but non-productive time is considered wasted energy.  Make time for yourself, and go for walks or become involved in a nonprofit where your background and experience can benefit others in a meaningful way.

Keep your head up and look at this exercise as a “Do Over” where you get to examine your qualities, embracing change and meeting it head-on!

4. Show Up

Don’t be a slouch and don’t become complacent in your new venture of unemployment.  Be mindful of the opportunities that are available and consider some outside the box ideas.  Keep your creative juices flowing and connect with people that are both inside and outside of your market focus.  Attend networking meetings & events and never turn down an invitation to a BBQ or coffee with a colleague.

Show up to a meeting, allow yourself to be vulnerable and you’ll be shocked at the opportunities that are put before you.  Like everything else, you will only benefit from any opportunity to the extent that you are willing to invest the time that it takes to make it happen.

5. Speak Up

Besides showing up, you need to be able to speak up and make everyone that you know, aware of your situation.  People want to help, but they can’t if they don’t how.  Make sure that you are properly branding yourself in your professional discipline and make sure that you are able to eloquently tell your story.

Be mindful of the companies that you want to work for and don’t be afraid to ask for professional referrals into people of influence.  Know your strengths, your commute and travel threshold, your competition and your compensation.   Speaking about these things needs to be a natural piece of the discussion, not a last minute defense.

6. Shut Up

As you share your professional aspirations, it’s critical to keep your ears open and your mouth closed during the discussion.  There will be plenty of time for you to ask questions and address topics that are part of the conversation.  The best part of the conversation will happen when you know it’s the right time to simply stop talking.

Use this time to re-evaluate your personal goals and don’t allow yourself to be a victim of unemployment, but consider yourself the Manager of FUNemployment, making the best of what can be a difficult experience!

Corporations are making decisions every day that impact communities and more personally, friends and families of their employees.  Remember that these decisions are made strictly for business, and you cannot allow anyone’s perception in “corporate” dictate the way you choose to manage your life or your search strategy!

Rise above it and don’t stand around long enough for any dust to settle on your feet!


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